Sneak Peek: Clone Spell

What's up Clashers, the Elite Barbarian has just been released and we can finally get Sneak Peeks on the next new card: the Clone Spell!

The Clone Spell costs 3 Elixir, it's an Epic card and can be unlocked from the Frozen Peak (Arena 8).

As you can tell by the name, it is a spell that clone troops in the target area.

We already have a Clone spell on Clash of Clans, but this one will be a bit different. This Clone spell will duplicate all troops on the affected area and the cloned troops will actually be weaker than the original ones.

With this difference, the cloned troops will have low Hit Points and will be probably be destroyed by other cheap spells with splash damage such as Zap and Arrows.

On the other hand, the cloned troops will make the same damage (DPS) as the original ones.

Those changes were probably done to not make this card overpowered, and with the same DPS as the original troops, if the defender doesn't have Elixir to place a few counters the damage on the Towers will be insane.

In a few days we should get the first video footage and we will be able to tell exactly how this will work and how weak the troops will be.

Stay tuned, this post will be constantly updated with new content until the card release!

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